Slide scanStructor
Slide Slide Slide Slide scanStructor
scansteel foodtech scanstructor
WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor
scansteel foodtech scanstructor WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit scanStructor Discharge/
Feeding Unit
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit WPC 2000 - Twin
WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge pump system
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit WPC 2000 - Twin
WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge pump system scanStructor Discharge
Pump System
WPC 2000 - Twin
scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge pump system

Front view of the scanstructor. Outlet Ø600 mm.

The scanStructor is typically equipped with a 37 kw motor.

Showing rear left view with hygienic zone.

scansteel foodtech® scanStructor top view, showing the infeed hopper with heavy duty crushing claws.

scanStructor, Discharge Feed Unit and Discharge Pump.

scanStructor fully assembled – scanStructor, Discharge Feed Unit and Discharge Pump.

scanStructor shown with pneumatic lid. Lid for cleaning/soaking of scanStructor including CIP nozzles.

scansteel foodtech scanstructor

scanStructor fully assembled – scanStructor, Discharge Feed Unit and Discharge Pump.

scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge/feeding unit

Discharge Feed Unit for scanStructor

scansteel foodtech scanstructor discharge pump system

Discharge Pump for scanStructor